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Help people who Need Help

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help us to achieve a positive impact

Who We Serve

We partner with big-box stores, food pantries, community kitchens, churches, night shelters, and senior centers to fulfill our goals. In turn, these partners provide food, clothing, and other critical resources for hundreds of people that need help. If you would like to assist us in reaching our goal of touching 1000 families this year, please check out our programs and campaigns below. We appreciate any help that is provided.


Food is just part of the picture.

Our goal is to nourish the less fortunate in the community with necessary resources. While our core work is food distribution, our efforts extend far beyond that. Our mission is lived out every day by engaging, educating and empowering both people in need and those who want to help. From volunteering your time to assisting people in finding economic security, URBN Resources covers a wide range of opportunities for people to learn and get involved.

WE aim to nourish the
community with resources


C.A.P.S. Program (Community Assistance Program)


Did you know that an estimated 1 in 7 San Diegans doesn’t know where the next meal will come from? This means that 443,000 men, women, and children living in the city experience food insecurity. One of our goals is to combat this food insecurity problem as much as we possibly can.


Reducing the amount of food wasted benefits both the residents and the environment. Preventing food from becoming waste is the safest, easiest, and most cost-effective way to help the needy within our city. Donated food finds good use with the less-fortunate community members who need it. Almost anything you eat can be donated, such as canned and packaged food with expiration dates, produce, and some prepared foods. Our organization’s goal is to help make these resources available to those who need it most.


*If your organization would like to support our efforts or learn more about this opportunity, we would love to connect with your team. Please contact us today at 800-699-0890, or via email:



Homeless Meal Program


There are estimated to be over 8,100 people in San Diego who are homeless. The URBN Resources Homeless Meal Program is truly a “Labor of Love” that delivers approximately 500 hot meals to homeless and hungry individuals on the streets of San Diego every weekend. For many homeless San Diegans, this is the only meal of each day.


Unsheltered homeless San Diegans have long faced daunting challenges as they draw on meager resources and perseverance to survive in the streets. The meals we provide are carefully prepared and packaged by our team of volunteers, using both purchased and donated provisions. They are served hot at various locations and with welcoming words to assure a positive encouraging experience for the recipients.


*If your organization would like to support our efforts or learn more about this opportunity, we would love to connect with your team. Please contact us today at 800-699-0890, or via email:



Rescued Resources Campaign


Beyond food, every donation to URBN Resources Campaigns will touch those who need it most. Specifically, the less fortunate throughout the city benefit from items such as clothing, under-garments, grooming items, toiletries, blankets, tents, towels, and more. Currently our team has partnerships and efficient plans which help distribute these resources to the most needed San Diegans city-wide. However, we are always seeking partnerships to expand our reach and provisions for the less fortunate.


*If your organization would like to support our efforts or learn more about this opportunity, we would love to connect with your team. Please contact us today at 800-699-0890, or via email:



Feeding Values Campaign


Outreach requires an awareness of modern culture and connecting to people as they are, where they are. Sharing values means more than simply voicing values. We commit our actions to meet regularly with schools, churches, and local youth groups to encourage positive mindsets and value-driven practices. By establishing these constructive communication forums, we aim to help develop confident and progressive young leaders of the future.


*If your organization would like to learn more about this opportunity or get involved, we would love to connect with your team. Please contact us today at 800-699-0890, or via email:



**Catering For A Cause**


While our primary mission is focused on catering to the less fortunate, catering is what we do by trade. With that in mind, we realized early on that as a nonprofit organization we cannot rely solely on the generosity and goodwill of others, but need to work hard to support ourselves… And with that “Catering For a Cause” was born.


The food you serve represents you or your company, and we will work hard to ensure there is never any disappointment. We would be honored to partner with you to help create a wonderful menu for your special event. Every dollar of income earned through our catering efforts stays within our nonprofit.  When you choose us you can feel good knowing that not only will you enjoy an amazing meal but you are helping to feed those who are desperate for resources right here in San Diego. 


*If your organization would like to learn more about this opportunity or get involved, we would love to connect with your team. Please contact us today at 800-699-0890, or via email:

community and relationships matter


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